Showing posts with label poetic inquiry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label poetic inquiry. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

a Mystery Message and San Raphael (Cordoba)

The mysterious "Zap" slip of paper that I posted about a few days ago was found on a page with this poem. I found a new blog Myth of Arrival that has a fascinating, close reading of "San Raphael"

Saint Raphael (Córdoba)
translated by ZJC
Veiled coaches passed by
along the reeds, along the shore,
where a nude Roman torso
lies smoothed by waves.
Coaches the Guadalquivir
reflects across its fertile mirror,
between the laboring clouds
and mournful flowers.
Young boys weave and sing
out the truth about the world
near the primeval, squandered,
nocturnal coaches.
But Córdoba does not shudder
under the gyre of this melodrama,
for though the shadows give out
an architecture of smoke,
a marble foot maintains
its splendor, dry and chaste.
Petals of gossamary tin
in pure grays are scaled
from the wind, unfurling
over the intoxicated arches.
And while Neptune's ten murmurs
blow the bridge about,
tobacco vendors flee
through a hole in the wall.

Federico Garcia Lorca

The white flowers are a thank you to Lotusgreen for her newest post at Japonisme.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

on dreams

I was thinking about a Bob Dylan quote..

"I'll let you be in my dreams if I can be in yours."
How is it that we enter each others dreams, Princess Haiku mused. what do you think?

BTW My dreams are often magenta

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

doors, said Princess Haiku

There are things known and there are things unknown, and in between
are the doors.

Jim Morrison

Do you know where the door in your life is? asked Princess Haiku. If you post a blog answer to this question let me know so that I can link it. I found this door with blue stairs that had old red paint peeling through, to be interesting. It had me wondering who lived there.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Wassily Kandinsky on Spirituality in Art

I saw a reference to this book, "Concerning the Spiritual in Art," on Julian Pegler's Blog and it's now on my to read list. Has anyone else read it? I like Julian's concept of the Creativist and his blog is always worth the visit.

A dreamy blog that vanished for a while and has now resurfaced is Cities Beneath the Sea; try this one too.

Blue Tea
and Japonisme also offer visual delights and sundry escapisms.

Princess Haiku's collision with reality

Despite an astrologer friend warning me to be careful during mercury retrograde, I was almost in a fatal accident yesterday; a second near call in two months and my attitude towards life is transforming.

I was driving over a Bay Bridge and right before an exit, a lunatic in a red truck came barreling up behind me. Screeching behind me they couldn't slow down in time and lurched on onto the shoulder of the freeway, side sweeping my car. They smashed two doors, ripped off the mirror and covered the side of my car with red paint. A friend of mine was in the front seat, and if this reckless driver had veered over even an inch more or two....

Then they bailed off of the freeway in a slick maneuver called "hit and run." The mirror has to be replaced pronto but the doors still work. Eventually I'll have to replace them. Why does the US not have fast rail from coast to coast? It gets tiring living in such a rich and backwards country. It is dangerous to drive and there are no alternatives for many destinations.

Today, I went for a long walk appreciating another day, another hour. It was a pleasure to walk in crunchy dried leaves and watch gold refugees plunge from tall branches in the wind. A zen moment penetrates crisis. Is this a collision with reality?