This is a reprint of one of my favorite posts and the date on the flowers is wrong as they are from 2005. Sigh, it took me a year to figure out how to change the date in my digital camera. If someone is ever going to try to do a history on my life I wish them well as I have never lived in a linear fashion. I use to just put any old date on my poems too. My brother understands me.
What day is it, he asked?
"NOW" he responded,
and we both laughed
for its always that day.
These gorgeous, magenta chrysanthemums bloomed last October. They were given to me by the special person who grows them.
Princess Haiku, they asked, when I held them in my hands by their long stems. What comes first, the poet or the haiku?
Every time I encounter one of these magical flowers I become so full of them that I lose myself and I can not answer their magenta question.
I try to photograph flowers from the perspective of being another flower myself. I have a post of "poppies in the rain" and I got all muddy getting down to meet their eyes. It was worth it for their look was imprinted in my soul.
I saw some red poppies that were gorgeous a few days ago but didn't have my camera with me. I hope they are still growing next week. If they are I'll post them.
Thank you princess haiku for your thought about time and linearity...
I will mention your post on my blog... ok?
Hi, Livia- Sure go ahead and thanks.
This is so amazing and totally beautiful...love it!!!
what comes first, the poet or the haiku?
the flower of course :)
beautiful pictures.
They are so unique and what a beautiful colour they are. A perfect inspiration for a haiku or poem.
I've always loved Chrysanthemums and the ones in your photo are so beautiful. I enjoyed this post. I'm still trying to work out how to set the date on my digital camera so you're not alone Princess!
P.S. On another note no rush for you to join in the tag game just play whenever you have a chance. But I'm sure you'll enjoy it. It's a lot of fun. If you need any help, I posted some instructions here:-
Very nice Princess. Is a poet born or made? Does a poet really write a poem, or does it perhaps come to them, already made...
such a dreamer
couldn't believe my eyes at first sight..
making sure this beauty is real!
A dreamer is a person who has been given to a dream.
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