Showing posts with label fugue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fugue. Show all posts

Monday, May 07, 2007

ghost love

You lose your beloved; discover they never existed except as a ghost of who you are. The dream stirs far memory; rose perfume in rain. Together, you walk across a street unnamed as is this night. Was this a fugue moon?

by Princess Haiku

(German - Fuge; Italian - fuga).
A composition, or compositional technique, in which a theme (or themes) is extended and developed mainly by imitative counterpoint.

In the opening section, the 'exposition', the main theme or 'subject' is announced in the tonic. after which the second 'voice' enters with the answer, i.e. the same theme at the dominant (or subdominant) pitch while the first may proceed to a countersubject. This procedure is repeated at different octaves until all the voices have entered and the exposition is complete. An extra statement of the subject or answer following on the exposition is called a 'redundant entry'; a set of such entries is a 'counter-exposition'.