Showing posts with label midnight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label midnight. Show all posts

Thursday, October 30, 2014

All Hallows "To Do List," said Princess Haiku

All Hallows “To Do List”

Ten Things To Do Before Midnight

1) Polish the crystal ball.
2) Leave a note for planchette.
3) Open the moon umbrella and be patient; 12 
more minutes to wait.
4) Close eyes and try to remember my midnight 
birth of long ago.
5) Finish reading Midnight's Children by Salman Rusdie. 
6) Eat the last bite of chocolate ice cream.
7) Ask the Tarot if miracles are still possible.
8) Snap in the DVD of Children of Paradise.
9) Slip into the slinky midnight blue........
10) Listen to the sound of the wind ruffling through
 tall green Ponderosa pines 
and remember when listening was enough.

At the stroke of midnight put down the calligraphy 
pen and curl into bed, smudgy fingers and all for a
dream awaits. 

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Ghost Cams, said Princess Haiku

Enough of this world, said Princess Haiku as she prepared to visit some of her usual haunted landscapes and otherworldly friends.

While you can't come with me tonight there are places where you might possibly glimpse an apparition or two. Of course, there is no telling what you will see or whether you would want to see them.

Hurry up, it's nearly midnight and believe me when I say that you are on your own, said Princess Haiku vanishing precipitiously.

ghost cams

ghost rooms

ghost views

just plain ghosts

BTW The blue cottage in the photo is a genuine haunted habitat in Berkeley California and is situated just above the North Berkeley BART station. I have heard stories about this dwelling too scary to repeat. And to think it looks just like any other place.