Showing posts with label sappho. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sappho. Show all posts

Saturday, October 04, 2014

Ode to Aphrodite

Deathless Aphrodite throned in flowers,
Daughter of Zeus, O terrible enchantress,
With this sorrow, with this anguish, break my spirit,
Lady, no longer!
Hear anew the voice! O hear and listen!
Come as in that island dawn thou camest,
Billowing in thy yoked cart to Sappho
Forth from thy father’s
Golden house in pity!... I remember
Fleet and fair thy sparrows drew thee, beating
Fast their wings above the dusky harvests,
Down the pale heavens,
Lighting anon!  And thou, O blest and brightest,
Smiling with immortal eyelids, asked me:
“Maiden, what betideth thee?  Or wherefore
Callest upon me?
“What is here the longing more than other,
Here in this mad heart?  And who the lovely
One beloved thou would not lure to loving?
Sappho, who wrongs thee?
How so unwilling..
Come again to me!  O now!  Release me!
End the great pang!  And all my heart desireth
Now of fulfillment, fulfill!  O Aphrodite,
Fight by my shoulder!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Aphrodite lost in a flower, said Princess Haiku

to Aphrodite of the flowers

"leave Krete and come to this holy temple
where the graceful grove of apple trees
circles an altar smoking with

Saturday, November 17, 2007

sleep of enchantment...

"Come to me from Crete to this holy temple,
Aphrodite. Here is a grove of apple
trees for your delight, and the smoking altars
fragrant with incense.

Here cold water rustles down through the apple
branches; all the lawn is beset and darkened
under roses, and, from the leaves that tremble,
sleep of enchantment

comes descending. Here is a meadow pasture
where the horses graze and with flowers of springtime
now in blossom, here where the light winds passing
blowing in their freshness.

Here in this place, lady of Cyprus, lightly
lifting, lightly pour in the golden goblets
as for those who keep a festival, nectar:
wine for our drinking.