Showing posts with label lea goldberg. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lea goldberg. Show all posts

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Lea Goldberg, the Soul of a Great Poet


You came to me to open my eyes,
your body a glance a window a mirror,
you arrived as night comes to the owl
to show him in darkness all necessary things.

And I learned: a name for every eyelash and nail
for every hair on flesh uncovered, made light,
and the fragrance of childhood, of resin and pine,
was the sweet fragrance of our bodies' night...

© Translation: Rachel Tzvia Back
From: Sooner or Later [Mukdam Ve-Meuhar]
Publisher: Sifriat Poalim, 1959, 10th ed. 1978

I discovered this Jewish poet tonight and so perfectly did she touch my soul that I remembered my source.