Showing posts with label all hallows. Show all posts
Showing posts with label all hallows. Show all posts

Friday, October 31, 2014

the witching hour of All Hallows is a fine time for a ghost, said Princess Haiku

The winner of this question will be awarded a link and a write up.

Where is the ghost bride going?

Thursday, October 30, 2014

All Hallows "To Do List," said Princess Haiku

All Hallows “To Do List”

Ten Things To Do Before Midnight

1) Polish the crystal ball.
2) Leave a note for planchette.
3) Open the moon umbrella and be patient; 12 
more minutes to wait.
4) Close eyes and try to remember my midnight 
birth of long ago.
5) Finish reading Midnight's Children by Salman Rusdie. 
6) Eat the last bite of chocolate ice cream.
7) Ask the Tarot if miracles are still possible.
8) Snap in the DVD of Children of Paradise.
9) Slip into the slinky midnight blue........
10) Listen to the sound of the wind ruffling through
 tall green Ponderosa pines 
and remember when listening was enough.

At the stroke of midnight put down the calligraphy 
pen and curl into bed, smudgy fingers and all for a
dream awaits. 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Revisiting an All Hallows Past, said Princess Haiku

I was out window surfing and found these delightful witch dolls, books and All Hallows misc.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

fairy tale pumpkin as white as the moon

I found a "fairy tale" pumpkin today at a patch today that is white and as pale as the moon. I wonder what special energy it will evoke on all hallows eve. I am looking forward to carving a geisha face on it and photos will be forthcoming. Legend has it that on all hallows eve the veil between the world lifts. I will keep you updated on my experience of this pale ghost.

The albinos are called ghost pumpkins or Luminas. A ghost pumpkin is perfect for me said Princess Haiku, we will look like each other. -Ghostly, that is.

BTW Supposedly the San Francisco Halloween carnival is "off." I will let you know if a quarter million people are ready to give up the party. The city of SF is calling it "Halloween at Home" night. Sounds like a party squash to me.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Approach of All Hallows

Yesterday, was a beautiful day in early Autumn and I took a long walk to the Victorian District where I visited my favorite third floor corner in an antique store. It is always deliciously gothic and a perfect place to visit this time of year.

Magic and hidden dreams appears as All Hallows approaches. I picked up my deck of tarot cards and the Empress slipped away.

Doesn't she always?