If you look carefully you might see them whispering beneath an elder oak.
The Santa Rosa Cemetery has a wild, otherworldly setting on a forested hill. The area consists of several different cemeteries, including the IOOF cemtery, merging as one.
The Victorian cemetery was founded in 1865 and many of the city's prominent, founding members sleep here along with earthquake victims, tiny orphans and gold rush pioneers.
Winding paths and slopes meander beneath gnarly oak trees and crumbling old tombs and gravestones. The cemetery has its share of folklore and it has been investigated by local paranormal organizations such as Sonoma County Paranormal Institute.
The cemetery has a volunteer organization and sponsors tours throughout the year. Perhaps the most fun and "spooky" tour is a lantern tour in the Autumn. Come to the Dark Side Tours at the Santa Rosa Rural Cemetery. Hear the tales of horror from the history of the cemetery, meet the cemetery’s social ghost and witness a murder while supporting the preservation of the cemetery.
Early light slanted across the gravestones and upon Princess Haiku who was deep in a conversation with the Victorian Lady in white. If you search the photos carefully, perhaps you will find those who observe.....
These photos are eerily beautiful, Princess. I am enthralled with cemeteries; I can literally spend hours at any one.
Your photos feel exactly right...don't know how else to say it. Thank you.
This must have been an inspiring visit... the gravestones look very romantic in the beautiful light and otherworldly visitors must be very prone to step by from time to time!
I found an 1874 gravestone while walking in the woods near our house and managed to obtain the man's probate records at the nearby Historical Society. Turns out he was quite the landowner with 12 slaves , a wife and 800 acres. I found out that our county was 40% slaves back then and actually ceded from the union when the state went Union. Most of the good ole boys here fought for the south and were regularly arrested for their leanings. Hence the "Kingdom of Callaway" as the county name.
But back to Mr Henry Hall: turns out that auctions were held to sell all goods besides the house, cash, land and slaves, which the wife got. Listings of the auction items pretty much defined what they had, including livestock; the wife bought back many of the items to contribute to the funds to pay funeral and last expenses, plus debts and other testaments.
This is now a family cemetary with two graves deep in the woods.
Wonderful photos and tale. I'm adding this excellent blog to my links at www.annalarsdatter.net.
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