Murals speak to the heart of living communities and they spring up as vividly painted wildflowers in San Francisco; especially the Mission District that is home to over 1,000 murals. Yes, amazing isn't it?
Community murals are splashes of color, hope and vision, cropping up on concrete faces of abandoned buildings, beside asphalt terrains, near empty parking lots, above garbage cans as well as next to perfect lawns and impeccable hotels. In other words, they exist within the soul of a community. Benjamin Lerch conceptualizes mural as "A Painted Song."
San Francisco offers many tours of its murals and for more information contact: Patricia Rose, tour coordinator of "Precita Eyes Mural Arts and Visitor Center. Patricia Rose has painted vibrant murals of her own including one of the "Virgin of Guadalupe." When asked how she felt about the fact that they will fade in time, exposed as murals are to the elements, she responded "It's about the process, mural making is celebratory and about community." For more vivid images click here.
In my humble opinion painting such large eyes on your garage is sure to stave off house burglars.
vanishing lol
I have always loved murals. When I was a little kid, some neighbors had a cheesy wallpaper mural on their dining room wall. I used to go to their apt. and hnag out with their kid. and stare at the garden scene with paths and arbors, etc... on the wall--it never changed, and was a bit too pastel-y to be a true garden, but I always thought it was better than painting--the whole wall. I loved sitting facing it.
I think I wanted to find something new about it, some tiny detail.
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