Saturday, May 10, 2008

words, words, words said Princess Haiku

Only this black ink on a smudged ivory page. Curls of frankincense. My thoughts.. as private as only a ghost poet's can be. If someone asked you what secrets you kept from yourself, how would you answer? Not what........

No more today; only this. A map of the terrain you have apparently never visited but know oh so well.


Unknown said...

Such evocative words, Princess Haiku - such power in words - and thoughts.

White Rose said...

"how would you answer? Not what........ "


cbb said...

Oh, Princess Haiku. What a mesmerizing question. How would I answer? I think I might weep. Certain secrets cannot bear the weight of gravity, and must be held within. To protect them. To protect them from... myself.

dennis said...

Dennis keeps the secret of mortality from himself.

Anonymous said...

i'm not sure i want to examine the secrets i hide from myself .... because then i would have to own them, acknowledge them, feel them - serve them tea.

they would move into my conscious space and unpack their baggage - planning on a very long stay ....

my rooms are already full of old luggage .... best to keep those secrets stored in the attic of not knowing.


Beatrice V said...

Oh Princess "... map of the terrain you have apparently never visited but know oh so well.." aren't we all so familiar with that place that never existed, but is indeed real because we dreamed it in such detail, in such depth, because we know it better than we know reality?

lotusgreen said...

a map you have made of your own hand