I have been paying more attention to signs when I'm out walking. Is it possible that they were always this entertaining?
Princess Haiku is a literary collage of poetry, prose, photography, classical music, dance and book reviews, written in the tradition of a poetic memoir.
Princess, in France we have often two kinds of signs on the walls of the old street
An old one with an old name and a new one
Once I must show that as you do...
Signs are really interesting they are one symbol of a country and when, for instance, we come back home, we recognize them immediatly as ours...
I will be checking for your signs, Cergie. Why is it that the old names are always more interesting?
signs are fun, I have been snapping signs for a few months now-- inspired by seeing graffiti and signs on other blogs.
I posted the smoke bush for you.
Signs with arrows - they crack me up! Often leading me astray . . . up a pole . . . into driveways . . .
Yes, they are for those who have eye for the details and heart to appriciate. Loved the middle one.
That was my favorite too...Your photography is impeccable! Love coming here... :)
The second one is so intriguing! What is it for? I love signs, especially in Ireland when they often point to the sky or the opposite direction... and I have a photo (taken in Ireland years ago) of a sign that says "The way the fairies went". I ain't kidding :-)
Princess, I love your perspective on the ordinary, turning them into sparkling slices of life. I so appreciate it!
I want to see the "fairy" sign.
I want to encourage everyone to post absurdist, entertaining or unique signs from their neighborhoods. It's important to have a bit of levity now and then. No pun intended, said Princess Haiku from her branch in the tall elm tree.
Greetings & salutations from Neasa, back to blogging & only slightly shaky, lol.
Wonderful signage & I'll start looking around here for some interesting ones to post - excellent suggestion!
Also interesting: flyers stapled to poles & pasted to walls.
Hey Haiku, sorry I haven't been around in a while I finally have a day off of work today. Also something sad happened to Heather (colored clouds), her bestfriend just passed away, I feel so sorry for her :( , please Haiku go by her blog and give her some words of comfort.
I like your new posts though, June is perfect but here in Texas idk what to say about that because of how hot and humid is here in this state. Although I do love how I can swim in this season and also my cicadas are coming out as well as all the insects, I'm hearing them all over the place crickets, leafhoppers, locust, katydids and everything else. It is a wonderful time of the year but working in this heat is not fun, rofl :P
PS - Come by later tonight I'll have some urban synes of San Antonio. Oh and also the Spurs are going to win the NBA Finals,
YAY!!!! :D
I will share the fairy sign, Princess Haiku. But this pic was taken before the age of digital photography so will need to be scanned. I'm sad to report I'm still "scannerless" since our move, but not for too long. Should be sorted this week :-)
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