Helene Grimaud seeks higher levels of consciousness and awareness through musical expression and brings others along on her journey. In this live interview on New York Public Radio with Leonard Lopate, Helene Grimaud discusses a myriad of topics: the emergence of musical interest in childhood at Aix en Provence, establishment of a wolf reserve in New York, an autobiography- Wild Variations and the CD Reflections; a musical discourse between Robert and Clara Schumann and Brahms.
The cool sophistication in Helene Grimaud's presentation of self contrasts the stormy music of the German Romanticists she loves. Her book, "Wild Variations" reflects the interweaving of motifs and interests of German Romanticism: emotions, dreams, travel, nature and mythology.
That book sounds great, but I can't find it -- is it new? I am ordering the one she wrote about wolves, however. Thanks!
The first books hasn't been translated into English yet;hopefully soon.
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