Dressed in purple, Immortelles appeared in a dream last night.
Princess Haiku, they said in a fade of eternal voice.
Cultivate inner stillness.
If I could be purple, Princess Haiku replied, I would be a watercolor of twilight and could leave myself at the altar of immortality.
How pretty they are.
You must really join a smaller group like Blog Village (link on my blogs) as you will get far better exposure for your blog. Nice crowd of people there.
Thanks for the suggestion, Jackie.
Beautiful, both poetry and the photo.I'm so glad you left a comment on my site, so I could follow you back to yours.
Think about Blog Village...I, along with a great bunch of people, belong to it.
I look forward to reading more of your posts!
A lyrical poet, to be sure.
Marion, I joined blog village but not sure how it works. It will be fun to find out. Vanishing, thank you for your comment. I adore your horns. Do you ever color them for special occasions. I think perhaps a nice magenta could bring out your eyes.
mmm purple is perfect for a Princess...it brings out the royalty in your carriage....and the wistfulness of a piece of the eternal...lovely dream.....
thank you for your recent visit....i'm at blog village but don't participate....i tend to be a rather lazy trawler....but I do so love new company....
Ok: in common: ALL of Duras, Collete and Anais Nin......The Piano - yes - sensuality at its best...and there was another one....poetry of all forms types words, words.......i love your 'about me'.....and you live in one of the most beautiful cities I've ever seen....
will return,
red dirt girl
beautifuly purple post!
hope ur doing fine
Beautiful, beautiful post!!!!!
Thanks for the story about the paper angels....I loved it...but you knew I would, and that I appreciate.....wish I can see it
Isn`t it wonderful to find such beauty in a place you least expect it???
beautiful fleurs as usual. and watercolor at twilight-- lovely idea.
The fragrance of princess...
Beautiful flowers. thank toy. have a good weekend.
beautiful. it is so nice to imagine oneself as colours.
Hi Princess Haiku,
are you goin' to find that song about spring which I talked to you some days ago?
It's a italian song and it's called "Lettera". The songwriter is Francesco Guccini...
He's fantastic! His songs are so poetic... He's a sort of idealist and dreamer. Perhaps I like it so much for this reason!
Some his song are political. For example, when he was young, he wrote a song called "Primavera di Praga" ("Spring in Praha"), or "Stagioni" ("Season") about the death of Che Guevara.
But "Lettera" is not political. Not all his song are political!
I like him very much because he believes in humanity, the power of love and fraternity etc...
You're always too kind and lovely with me!
I'm glad if my "house" likes you!
I'd like read all your post, too! But, sometimes, my english is not so good and this makes me crazy!!
I say you a thing...
I have a dream... Perhaps is my bigger dream! I'd like write, be an author... But the street is hard and sometimes I'm so frustrated!
I hope!
High hopes... ;o)
THANKS for all!
I hope you're fine, too!
Have a good day!
I am glad that you liked the angel story Gypsy; thought you would.
Zazie; an artists exists first in their acute sensibility and then in their medium. I think you will find your way in your writing.
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