Friday, March 09, 2007

The Land's End Labyrinth

JMG-Galleries - San Francisco Labyrinths by Jim M. Goldstein

I have discovered a stunning new labyrinth in the San Francisco Bay Area called "Land's End." In a few weeks when the earth has dried out from the winter rains I am going to visit. In the meantime, here is an interesting article about it.

hint: highlighted text=links

1 comment:

Moon River said...

So Princess,

You have started documenting your life, not only with words but with camera, and video. That's a great shift!
Your labyrinths quests are fascinating; while I'm only talking/dreaming about go out there and walk them!!!
haven't had the time to read all the material you've posted on the SF labyrinth...hope to do so so, and will be waiting for your own trip to this labyrinth...